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Salon Gallery



Lauren Bon


Ishtar takes as its starting point 'The Immaculate Conception' by Diego Velázquez, but for Lauren the Virgin becomes another Venus - an archetype of woman.

Inversion, colour shifting and layer blending in Adobe Photoshop® enabled Lauren to emphasize the importance for her of the symbolism in the painting including the moon, the fountain and the ship just visible in the moon - that other sphere - on which the Virgin stands.

Ishtar by Lauren Bon


'The Immaculate Conception' by Diego Velásquez hangs in the National Gallery in London. The Immaculate Conception by Diego Velásquez


"The Venus on the Moon piece.
This needs to be square. The formality in the end is truly important. More distortion is perhaps required. Wouldn't mind experimenting with perspective. Seeing the Venus as a Falling Figure actually plummeting into the orb/the moon that she once stood upon. Like the Vitruvian Man ousted from his place of centrality in pre-renaissance."
email to Simon Rae-Scott
Layer inversion in Adobe Photoshop


"Thought: our Venus is disloged from her half shell--. The orb in her hand, our sphere, might be an informed meteor going Home as it were. I realize this is taking profound liberties with this subject, but, hey, what the hell. Can we work it?"
email to Simon Rae-Scott

The final touch was to place Lauren's sphere in the figure's hands and thereby pull together the themes of the exhibition and this image.

Colour shift for blending with the inverted layer in Adobe Photoshop


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