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Salon Gallery




Chris Nau

Wall-Cut Drawing - 'Inhabitat V, 2002'



'Inhabitat V, 2002, Movie' © Lauren Bon 2002
QuickTime Movie (2.7 mb)


Chris Nau putting the final touches to 'Inhabitat V, 2002'
It was the first time video footage had been taken to document the process of one of Chris Nau's pieces. The camera was running from the first pencil strokes. The first pencil strokes for 'Inhabitat V, 2002'
In the manner of tectonic plates, the landscape of the work is remodelled. Cutting out for 'Inhabitat V, 2002'
The interplay of light and shade, which gives the piece its impact and depth, is worked in situ. Finding angles for 'Inhabitat V, 2002'
On viewing the video footage at the salon, Chris felt ambivalent about its focus upon process - fascinating, but perhaps a distraction from the power of the final work. Filling in for 'Inhabitat V, 2002'


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